Cablemania 2019: Setting up your gear everytime you want to play a few tunes sucks big time – and Funkh is not having it any more! He is demanding a permanent space where he can tinker with and ‚optimize‘ on his Funkhenstein-stack. GAS, final stage…
Udo, on the other hand, has started to wither under these dark, murky and also windowless conditions – so Kupsu installed some life-saving and light-shedding led-bars. That actually helped Udo’s condition! And after getting used to the constant strobe-light-induced headaches, you can sometimes even see your instrument clearly for a split-second or two…
The equipment is reacting allergic and dying the slow death of corrosion! This is an outrage! How could this happen?! The high air humidity in the Giesing headquarters is killing the amps off one by one! This boat won’t float – and we need a new HQ for our preciuos gear. Goodbye Giesing!